Cat 908-14A 40 km/h (12002092)

The price is 69000 Euro.

The list of CATERPILLAR 908 Wheel loader offered for sale in our catalog is constantly increased.

Examine the specs of the unit and make a proper choice.

The vehicle was manufactured in 2023.

The details on engine output, gearbox and emission class are as follows: 75 hp, engine: C3.3 DIT.

Cab design: air conditioner.

Number of hours: 170.

The vehicle is located in Grossenaspe, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

Feel free to contact us to get additional enquiries.

Our customers’ satisfaction has always been our top priority.


BAUMA Vermiet- und Handels GmbH

Am alten Sportplatz 9, D - 24623 Grossenaspe, Germany