Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of CATERPILLAR 966H Wheel loader.
Look at the technical data of the unit.
The vehicle was manufactured in 2022.
Gross Vehicle Weight: 23698 kg.
Engine/driveline: Euro 3, 265 hp, engine: Cat C11 ACERT, CAT.
Wheel formula and suspension type: front tires: 90, rear tires: 90.
Cab comforts include air conditioner.
Number of hours: 759.
Max. lifting capacity: 6000 kg.
The unit’s location is in hefei, China, China.
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Anhui Lentlis Engineering Machinery Trading Co. LTD, ZOU HAI
Room 1002, 10th Floor, Lingmeng Building, Xin'anjiang Road, Dianbu Town, Feidong County, Hefei City, Anhui Province