Cat 966MXE

The current price is 135000 Euro.

All the offers in the stock of CATERPILLAR 966MXE Wheel loader are up-to-date as well as in good shape.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

This piece of special equipment was produced in 2019.

Engine details/gearing and fuel type: 302 hp.

The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: front tires: Left: 30 %, Right: 10 %, rear tires: Left: 10 %, Right: 10 %, tires: air.

Hours of use: 7404.

The unit’s location is in Germany.

We value your time and guarantee an individual approach.

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Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH

Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1, 85748 Garching bei München, Germany