Volvo L 120 G mit Klima und SW, Reifen und Schaufel Neu

The current price is 76450 Euro.

All the offers in the stock of VOLVO L120G Wheel loader are up-to-date as well as in good shape.

Examine the specs of the unit and make a proper choice.

This piece of special equipment was produced in 2012.

Gross Vehicle Weight: 21600 kg.

Engine details/gearing and fuel type: engine: Volvo Diesel, Volvo.

Driving cab specifics: air conditioner.

Hours of use: 15783.

The unit’s location is in Hagen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland, Germany.

Feel free to contact us to get additional enquiries.

Examine our offers and make your deals!



Schwerter Straße 26, 58099 Hagen, Deutschland/Germany